Excelloy 20 AC/DC +

For cast iron, a unique dual alloyed high deposition nickel electrode

The Excelloy 20 produces high speed, high deposition machinable nickel deposits on all types of cast iron. Its specially formulated coating and core wire makes it ideal for use as a build up rod on worn or over machined iron castings. Weld Deposits feature exceptional strength, ductility, and are easily machined.


For high speed build up and joining of heavy cast iron machine parts. It is ideal for building up compressor heads, machine bases, casting defects and large cast iron gears. The high deposition characteristics of the Excelloy 20 makes it your first choice in situations where large volumes of weld metal need to be applied economically.


Clean and prepare weld zone in accordance with standard welding practice. Gouge out cracks and checking with Excelloy 56. Preheat heavy sections to 500 F. Use skip welding technique to reduce distortion. Lightly peen deposit with the ball end of a ball peen hammer. Allow casting to cool slowly.

Technical data

Tensile Strength: Up to 70,000 PSI

Elongation: Up to 22%

Hardness: 220 Brinell

Recommended amperage settings

1/16” 20-40 Amps

5/64” 30-60 Amps

3/32” 40-80 Amps

1/8” 65-130 Amps

5/32” 90-160 Amps

Excelloy 21 AC/DC +

Ultra machinable alloy for repair welding cast iron

The Excelloy 21 is an exceptional out of position nickel electrode that produces porosity free machinable welds on all grades of cast iron. Its pulsed arc allows you to produce low heat input welds while maintaining maximum control.


For low temperature repairs on all types of cast iron where extremely soft, machinable weld deposits are required. Ideal for intricate or thin-wall gray iron castings. Excellent for repairs on cast iron gears, machine tools, heads, engine blocks, and pump housings. This is also an exceptional electrode for joining dissimilar metals such as Monel, copper, stainless, nickel, and steel.


Clean and prepare weld zone in accordance with standard welding practice. Vee out cracks using Excelloy 56. Use skip welding technique on complicated castings. Limit bead length to 1-1/2” to minimize heat input. Maintain a maximum interpass temperature of 200 F. Chip slag between passes and peen weld with ball end of ball peen hammer.

Technical data

Tensile Strength: Up to 50,000 PSI

Elongation: Up to 30%

Hardness: 160 Brinell

Recommended amperage settings

1/16” 20-40 Amps

5/64” 30-60 Amps

3/32” 40-80 Amps

1/8” 65-130 Amps

5/32” 90-160 Amps

*Also available in tig form (Excelloy 21T)

Excelloy 22 AC/DC +

A super strength alloy for repairs on contaminated cast iron

The Excelloy 22 produces high strength, crack resistant, and porosity free welds, On difficult to weld cast irons. Its arc is smooth a stable even when using AC. Weld puddle fluidity is easy controlled in all positions and wetting action, even on dirty castings is exceptional. Deposits are machinable.


This exceptional electrode can be used on gray, malleable, and ductile iron castings. It will produce successful repairs on engine blocks, manifolds, gear housings, transmission cases, and gear teeth. It is ideal for producing high strength welds repairing thick castings, joining cast iron to steel and repairing high strength castings.


Clean and prepare weld zone in accordance with standard welding practice. Veer out cracks using Excelloy 56. Use skip weld technique on complicated castings. Limit bead length to 1-1/2” to minimize heat input. Maintain a maximum interpass temperature of 200 F. Chip slag between passes and peen weld with the ball end of a ball peen hammer.

Technical data

Tensile Strength: Up to 65,000 PSI

Elongation: Up to 10%

Recommended amperage settings

1/16” 20-40 Amps

5/64” 30-60 Amps

3/32” 40-80 Amps

1/8” 65-130 Amps

5/32” 90-160 Amps

*Also available in tig form (Excelloy 22T)

Excelloy 26 AC/DC +

Premium alloyed electrode for welding all cast iron, high strength AC or DC straight

A true universal high strength casts iron electrode specially developed for maintenance and repair welding of all commonly known types of cast iron. The special core wire features a high current carrying capacity, and the flux coating is designed to transfer impurities from the base metal into the slag. Due to its relatively high nickel content it is easily machined. Excellent for out of position welding.


For fabrication and difficult repair of all gray and alloyed cast irons. Recommended for welding cylinder heads, machine bases, gear housings, cams, levers, filling holes, repairing teeth of cast gears and building up or replacing missing sections. Commonly used to weld ductile iron, “Ni-Resist” and “Meehanite” to themselves or to steel. Also suitable for joining nickel alloys to gray cast iron, malleable cast iron and cast steel.


Clean weld area if possible. Remove surface skin and all sharp edges. Bevel joining to form a “U” groove. A bead hole must be welded at right angles to each end of all cracks to prevent spreading during welding. Use low amperage and maintain a short arc. Short stringer beads or narrow weave beads should be used to prevent excessive heat build-up. When breaking the arc always fill the crater and drag rod back over the weld deposit. Peening while still hot will help reduce stresses. When re-striking the arc, start on previously deposited weld metal, not on the base material. Allow part to cool slowly.

Technical data

Tensile Strength: Up to 80,000 PSI

Elongation: Up to 20%

Hardness: Approx. 200 HB

Recommended amperage settings

1/16” 20-40 Amps

5/64” 30-60 Amps

3/32” 40-80 Amps

1/8” 65-130 Amps

5/32” 90-160 Amps