Excelloy 61 AC/DC +

For all ferrous metals, an all position universal high strength alloy for unknown and dissimilar metal combinations


This multipurpose alloy can be used on all grades of carbon steel, low alloy steels, stainless steels, tool steels, and high alloy steels. It is corrosion resistant, heat resistant, and has an excellent resistance to cracking. Considering its ease of use and versatility, this electrode is a must for any repair facility.


Clean and prepare weld zone in accordance with standard welding practice. Preheat heavy sections and high alloy steels to 400F. Run stringer beads while maintaining a short arc length. To reduce internal stresses on high alloy steels and heavy sections intermittent welding followed by peening is recommended. Allow each pass to cool prior to slag removal.

Technical data

Tensile Strength: Up to 180,000 PSI

Yield Strength: Up to 90,000 PSI

Elongation: Up to 30%

Recommended amperage settings

1/16” 20-40 Amps

5/64” 30-60 Amps

3/32” 40-80 Amps

1/8” 65-130 Amps

5/32” 90-160 Amps

*Also available in tig form (Excelloy 61T)

Excelloy 63 AC/DC +

Resists high temperature scaling and creeps

The Excelloy 63 can be used for dissimilar metal welding including steels of high harden ability. Excellent as an overlay for material exposed to high heat situations.


This alloy can be used for dissimilar metal welding, including steels of high hardenability. Commonly used for the welding of stainless-clad steels, joining of chrome-moly piping. Materials exposed to cyclic heating below 800 degrees F and noncyclic heating above 800 F will be successfully repaired with this product.


Clean and prepare weld zone in accordance with standard welding practice. Preheat heavy sections and high alloy steels to 400F. To reduce internal stresses on high alloy steels and heavy sections, intermittent welding followed by peening is recommended. Allow each pass to cool prior to slag removal.

Technical data

Tensile Strength: Up to 85,000 PSI

Yield Strength: Up to 70,000 PSI

Elongation: Up to 22%

Recommended amperage settings

1/16” 20-40 Amps

5/64” 30-60 Amps

3/32” 40-80 Amps

1/8” 65-130 Amps

5/32” 90-160 Amps

*Also available in tig form (Excelloy 63T)

Excelloy 69 AC/DC +

For stainless steel. A universal, high-deposition, crack resistant alloy

Excelloy 69 is an exceptionally smooth running spray transfer electrode that produce uniform, spatter free welds. The special flux coating greatly enhances welding speed, deposition and metal recovery rates. Deposits are highly ductile and crack resistant as well as being highly corrosion resistant.


Developed for use on most common grades of stainless steel. Typically used to fabricate and repair food, dairy, and chemical equipment. Can be used where prior weld repairs have failed. This alloy is commonly used as an elastic cushion prior to overlaying with hard surfacing alloys. High deposition rates make this electrode very economical as a build up alloy.


Clean and prepare weld zone in accordance with standard welding practice. Do not preheat base metal. Tack parts to maintain alignment and reduce distortion. Maintain a short drag arc length as you tilt the electrode 15 degrees in direction of travel. Prevent excessive heat build up by skip welding whenever possible. Remove slag between passes and allow to slow cool.

Technical data

Tensile Strength: Up to 90,000 PSI

Yield Strength: Up to 66,000 PSI

Elongation: Up to 45%

Recommended amperage settings

1/16” 20-40 Amps

5/64” 30-60 Amps

3/32” 40-80 Amps

1/8” 65-130 Amps

5/32” 90-160 Amps

*Also available in tig form (Excelloy 69T)